Oculus Meta Quest 2


In a span of 7 months, Michigan State University American Advertising Federation created a fully integrated campaign for Meta Quest 2, a product that underwent a rebranding halfway through from Facebook to Meta. The campaign aimed to position Meta Quest 2 as a coveted and essential product for the 18-24 year old demographic by leveraging social connections and tapping into the user's imagination. Through extensive research and insights, the campaign emphasized the key elements of "Connect. Play. Create. Key to Exploration." as the foundation for exploration. Various marketing materials were created, including a Seventeen Magazine microsite, OOH display ads, fisheye lens print posters and banner ads, digital billboard, and :40-:60 commercial spot.


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Hours of Research


Survey Respondents


One-On-One Interviews

“I like the ability to connect with people at any point in time from any place.”

Avery, 19

“I know there’s a lot for Oculus to offer, I just can’t tell how it fits into my lifestyle just yet.”

Nate, 21

“Being able to see life as we know it from a technology standpoint is so advanced which is why I’ve always liked the concept of VR.”

Sam, 18

Audience Insight

  • Motivated by innovation
  • Seek revolution and development
  • Eager for new ways to connect
  • Early adopters




“It gives you the opportunity to use the technology in an immersive way, rather than interacting with tech and reality in two separate planes.”

The Trailblazer is the one that is ready to be one step ahead of everyone else. They stay in touch with all the latest trends and they are not afraid to stand out. This person is the epitome of a go-getter and wants to be the first one to discover technology trends.



“While VR sounds interesting to me, I don’t really see myself actually using it.”

The Visionary is the curious one. The one who is intrigued by the headset and virtual reality, but needs a nudge toward buying a headset. This is someone who can see themselves using virtual reality in their lives, but is still just a few steps away from purchasing.



“I would be very unlikely to use VR in my daily life, it would be very irrelevant to what i would be doing and would just be a hindrance for me.”

The Bystander is a tough egg to crack. This person is typically not going to seek out the newest technology and while they may be aware of the latest trends, they aren’t embracing them. They don’t see virtual reality as something useful for their life and needs to be shown why the Quest 2 is a valuable tool for their life.

Competitive Analysis

Despite the Meta Quest being the number one VR headset, its competitors have commonalities and different strengths that even our target audience cannot resist. Our one-on-one interviews revealed that along with experiences, our audience values the physical qualities of the headset too. In order to stand out against our competition, our campaign will promote the versatility of the Quest 2, emphasizing the creative and communicative aspects it has to offer.

Competitive Analysis


Key Insight

Our research revealed that our audience greatly values their time and experiences. They seek connection with others and enjoy tapping into their own imagination. While the Quest 2 gives its users infinite possibilities to connect, it has been misconstrued as just another gaming device by many.

Campaign Strategy

Video games are a dime a dozen, but experiences are one in a million. Virtual reality isn’t your average video game, so it shouldn’t be seen that way. By showing the Meta Quest 2 as a symbol of creativity and a tool essential item in college students’ lives. Meta Quest 2 will ignite your imagination to explore endless curiosities.


When we were young We had a boundless imagination. As we get older our responsibilities take over And we lose sight of our creative vision. It’s time we go back to the world we lived in when we were kids When we were free of restrictions Free of rules Where we could take part in adventures with others And use our youthful innocence to freely express ourselves It is time we connect with our past.

Key Insight

Connect Play Create Key to Exploration


Microsite and OOH Display Ads

Seventeen Magazine Inspired Quiz

A blast from the past, this iconic interactive quiz will bring nostalgia to consumers and invite the meta quest personalities to mind. Capturing the lure and joy from completing these 2000s-esque quizzes, intermixing with the Quest abilities, will enhance both brand personality and awareness.

Oculus Quest 2 Microsite Oculus Quest 2 Microsite Results

OOH Print Floor Ads

To further promote our quiz, we will utilize floor display ads featuring a QR code that takes customers straight to the quiz microsite. Keeping our audience in mind, the floor display ads will be placed throughout select Target locations in cities with a high saturation of 18-24 year olds.

Oculus Quest 2 Instagram Story

Fisheye Lens

Print Posters and Banner Ads

The Seeker. The Innovator. The Champion. Through a partnership with Urban Outfitters, we will disperse our print posters featuring trendy fisheye photography throughout select store locations. Each poster will represent one of the three personalities from the online quiz. With this partnership, the Quest 2 will also be sold in stores for the duration of our campaign. These ads will peak the interest of people shopping, prompting them to scan a QR code to take the quiz for themselves. These posters will position the Quest 2 as a device that complements any and every personality.

Oculus Quest 2 Urban Outfitters Partnership
Oculus Quest 2 Amazon Banner Ad
Oculus Quest 2 Instagram Sponsored Ad

When Was The Last Time You...

Digital Billboard

When was the last time you played? In this execution, the Meta Quest 2 will be portrayed as the perfect tool to explore your curiosities by triggering the nostalgia of the simple joys of childhood in our target audience. These simplistic, yet intriguing ads will reignite the urge to connect, play and create again by capturing consumers’ attention to get them to think about the last time they embraced their imagination. This execution will be placed on digital billboards throughout major cities with a high population of young adults and college students.

When Was The Last Time You... Digital Billboard

Ever-Expanding Universe, Never-Ending Experience

Manifesto Video

With this 40-60 second commercial spot, we will tap into the infinite curiosities that arise as we open our minds to new opportunities. The commercial will successfully link the immersive connections offered by the Meta Quest 2 with the transitional period of college-aged students. Airing on popular streaming services including YouTube, Spotify, and Hulu, and social media channels such as Tiktok, our viewers will be inspired to tap into their boundless imagination within.

Video Description

Beginning on a college student visiting her childhood home, looking up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling she is reminded of the boundless imagination she had as a kid. After exploring the stars with the Quest 2, her eyes are opened to unlocking that same imagination as an adult, living a life free from restriction and again experiencing the bliss of exploring the unique and unlimited realm in her head.